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At Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center (H3RC), we provide confidential and comprehensive sexual health testing services, including HIV, Hepatitis C, and STI screenings. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and support needed to maintain your health and well-being. Take control of your sexual health—visit us for a free and non-judgmental testing experience.  HHHRC offers Rapid HIV Testing with results available in 20 minutes.


Testing Hours: Monday – Friday, 9AM – 4PM
Walk-in testing is available daily, or fill out the form below to request an appointment. (Using this form does not guarantee an appointment; an HHHRC staff will contact you to confirm.)


If you cannot make it to our office in Kaka’ako HHHRC has options available to you such as mail-order HIV test kits, or we can meet you anywhere on the island of Oahu.  Please fill out the form below to learn more.

Name *

Email *

I would like to request:

HHHRC Testing Hours: Mon-Fri, 9:00AM - 4:00PM

In addition to my HIV test, I would also like:


How would you prefer to be contacted by us?

Comments (optional)

Thanks! Message sent.


You could be at risk for HIV if…


  • You have ever had condomless anal, vaginal or oral sex (sex without a condom or other latex barrier)

  • You have shared needles or other equipment to inject drugs (including medication, steroids or hormones) or for body piercing, tattooing, or any other reasons.

  • You have ever had sex where you were uncertain about your sex partner’s risk behavior or HIV status.

  • You have ever forgotten what happened or blacked out after drinking or taking drugs.

  • You have ever been sexually assaulted (raped, forced, or talked into having sex when you didn’t want to).

  • You have been sexually active, particularly with three or more sexual partners in the previous 12 months.


HHHRC recommends regular testing every 3 months for someone considered to be “at risk” for HIV exposure.

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