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Want to support your favorite local harm reduction agency and score some cool swag at the same time?  Check out our new online shop for the latest H3RC merchandise. 


Hawaii Health & Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC) offers rapid testing for the Hepatitis C Virus (HCV). Hepatitis C testing is available to eligible patients, based on a risk assessment performed by staff. The HCV Rapid test takes 20 minutes.


Testing Hours: Monday – Friday, 9AM – 4PM.


Call (808) 521-2437 during our regular business hours to schedule an appointment or speak to a tester, or complete the form below and someone will contact you.  **same day appointments readily available. 


 If you cannot make it to our office in Kaka’ako HHHRC can meet you anywhere on the island of Oahu.  Please click the link below to fill out a request form. 






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