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Need Health Insurance?
Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center(HHHRC) is here to help. HHHRC is a proud community partner of Kokua Services. Our Insurance Navigators can assist you through the sometimes confusing process of applying for health insurance. If you are currently uninsured, our Navigators will assist you to figure out if you are eligible for Med Quest or a Special Enrollment period.
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About the Hawai‘i Health & Harm Reduction CenterA one-hour presentation for community groups and partner organizations that covers the misison of HHHRC and the services we offer. This presentation is free and can be tailored to your organizational needs and interests.
Harm Reduction 101Harm Reduction is a philosophy and set of strategies for working with those engaged in potentially harmful behaviors. This interactive session will explore the tenants of Harm Reduction, provide insight and practice into the theories of Harm Reduction and provide resources to services working in the spirit of Harm Reduction. Training length: 8 hours
HIV, Hepatitis C, & STD 101"This full day training provides participants with an overview of HIV, viral hepatitis, and other common sexually transmitted diseases. Participants learn to identify the signs, symptoms, transmission methods, and risk factors for these diseases. Participants then learn how to integrate harm reduction methods, motivational interviewing, and sexual health counseling into substance use treatment and counseling. Participants also learn about the medical and social service resources available to people living with HIV, viral hepatitis, or those at risk for an STD. This class is highly interactive and provides participants of all learning styles an opportunity to engage with the material. Training length: 8 hours
LGB Cultural CompetencyHHHRC offers LGB Cultural Competency training designed to increase knowledge and skills to effectively interact with LGB people, as well as support and provide affirming care. This training also integrates the unique viewpoints of local and Hawaiian Cultures. As the largest LGB&T organization in the pacific, our agency can offer the most comprehensive and competent training when it comes to sensitive topics regarding sexuality.
Mental Health First AidMental Health First Aid is a 1-day course that teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. The training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial help and support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem or experiencing a crisis. Mental Health First Aid is for anyone, but especially people in roles where they interact with the public, or where mental health challenges are more frequent. Mental Health First Aid is scheduled once a quarter. If you require an additional training for your organization, please email
Motivational InterviewingMotivational interviewing, a treatment approach developed by William Miller, has been well established as an effective way to promote behavior change in individuals. Following a brief review of the fundamental MI principles and micro-skills, this experiential Introduction to MI skill development training will focus on helping clients/patients to engage in change talk, and then make commitments to make behavioral changes based on goals that they have identified. Ample time will be devoted to real play and group practice sessions to enable training workshop participants to gain the skills necessary to elicit change talk from clients/patients with low levels of readiness for change, thereby increasing levels of motivation and moving them toward action to address their substance use issues. Training length: 8 hours
Opioids & Overdose: Prevention & ResponseOverdose is the leading cause of accidental death in Hawaii and around the U.S. This interactive session will explore the impact of opioids on the body and identify the risks for accidental opioid overdose. Participants will be certified to administer Naloxone, the opioid antagonist. 4 hours ADAD approved CEUs. Training length: 1 - 4 hours
Transgender Cultural HumilityThis training focuses on the importance of respect and dignity when interacting with people of trans experience. Utilizing the unique viewpoints of our Hawaiian and local cultures, we aim to increase humility and capacity for understanding when it comes to one of our most vulnerable populations. This training is perfect for service providers, frontline customer service workers, management, or anyone wishing to better understand people of trans experience and provide appropriate, affirming services or care.
Trauma-Responsive CareHawaii was designated a “Trauma Informed State” by Governor Green in 2024. This training will explore what we know about trauma, its prevalence and impacts on both individuals and communities, and what trauma-informed care efforts have been shown to be effective. Participants will explore risks and resilience factors that impact trauma, and how wellness activities can be implemented within organizations to support both workers and those seeking services. After this training, participants will be able to: Define trauma and its impacts List the components of trauma-informed care Describe wellness and resilience strategies
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