If you live in Hawai'i and want naloxone, please call the Hawai'i Health & Harm Reduction Center (HHHRC) for assistance at 808-853-3292.
Local Information
National Information
Prescribe to Prevent
Don'tdie.org - With demos on how to use Naloxone
General Information
Nasal Naloxone
Community Tools & Trainings
Harm Reduction Coalition - Overdose Prevention
Prevent & Protect - Opioid safety and overdose prevention information for community members (also has useful information for public health departments and schools).
Professional Tools & Training
​​Prescribe to Prevent - Information you need to start prescribing and dispensing naloxone (Narcan) rescue kits, including some useful resources containing further information about this life-saving medicine
SAMHSA information on Medication-Assisted Treatment, including training materials
Providers' Clinical Support System for Medication Assisted Treatment - A national training and mentoring project developed in response to the prescription opioid misuse epidemic and the availability of pharmacotherapies to address opioid use disorder
​StopOverdose.org - This site is specific to Washington, but it gives helpful, basic information for providers that can be generalized
Red Project - This organization is specific to Michigan, but it has excellent training videos, including one for law enforcement officials​
​Poison Prevention Basics