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Mark World AIDS Day with Us on 12/1


World AIDS Day was established in 1988 as the first global public health day. On December 1, people across the globe convene to unite in the fight against HIV, support people living with HIV, and commemorate the lives of those who have passed from an AIDS-related illness.

This year’s World AIDS Day ceremony will be held live at Church of the Crossroads in Mō῾ili῾ili on Thursday, December 1, from 6-7 PM. The program will include a live hula performance from Frank Akima and video performances by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Honolulu and Hoku Award winning duo Kūpaoa.

An informal reception with a light supper will follow in the church’s Weaver Hall, with a display of local panels from the AIDS Memorial Quilt and a special musical performance by HHHRC staff.

The theme of this year’s ceremony is Ho῾olaulima Nā Kuleana, which can be roughly translated as “Let us all work cooperatively to end the epidemic and serve our community together.”

The Hawai῾i State Department of Health will award this year’s Suzanne Richmond-Crum Award to HHHRC Executive Director Heather Lusk for her outstanding contributions in providing HIV/AIDS services. The award was established in honor of the former director of DOH’s Seropositivity and Medical Management Program.

Maui AIDS Foundation and Kumukahi Health & Wellness will be holding events in Wailuku and Kona in honor of World AIDS Day.

Visit the World AIDS Day Hawai῾i website for more information.



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