HHHRC is happy to announce the first-ever Mindful Self-Compassion course for our islands! This 9-week course developed by Christopher Germer and Kristin Neff combines the skills of mindfulness and self-compassion that have been shown to increase emotional resilience and well-being. In this course you will learn:
how to stop being so hard on yourself
how to handle difficult emotions with greater ease
how to motivate yourself with encouragement rather than criticism
how to transform difficult relationships, both old and new
mindfulness and self-compassion practices for home and everyday life
the theory and research behind mindful self-compassion
how to become your own best teacher
The course will start April 6th and go through June 1st online from 12-2:30 PM Hawaii time (the first week is until 3 pm) and scholarships are available thanks to the HT Hyashi Foundation. To register for this course please click here. Space is limited to no more than 20 participants and we are seeking people that can commit to attending the entire course.
To learn more about the Mindful Self Compassion course, visit the Center for Mindful Self Compassion https://centerformsc.org/
For any questions about this course, which will be online, contact Heather @hlusk@hhhrc.org – hope to see you join us!