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We offer ongoing, free, non-judgmental wound care services in our office and in a street-based setting.  


In-Office Hours

Appointments are strongly encouraged.

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

9:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Tuesday & Friday

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


For questions or to make an appointment, call (808) 521-2437


Outreach Chinatown Hours
We are located on River St. at Vineyard.

  • Tuesday:  930AM - 12:00 PM

  • Friday:  9:30AM - 12:00 PM



​If there are any questions or concerns, please contact Christina Wang, DNP, MPH, APRN-Rx, AGPCNP-C, AAHIVS at (808) 683-5484 to clarify whether a patient can be managed in a community setting.


For Medical Providers 
For providers who wish to refer, please complete the ï»¿referral form and/or call the clinic line.

Please fax completed forms to (808) 521-1552.

HHHRC's community-based wound care program is for basic wound care that can be managed in a community setting, which includes, but is not limited to: 


  1. Simple I&Ds that were performed at the bedside and/or were discharged from the ED

  2. Typical level 4 or 5 patients (based on triage acuity)

  3. Patients appropriate for outpatient setting needing follow-up 

  4. Patients with chronic wounds without evidence of acute infection and not requiring IV antibiotics

  5. Dermis layer or subcutaneous layer wounds that do not require debridement

  6. Cellulitis patients without SIRS and reliable to follow-up

  7. Dressing changes with discharge orders

***HHHRC's wound care program does not have the capacity to care for long-term bedridden patients.***


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